Phillips Auto Sales Return Offer: Rediscover Timeless Elegance!

The vehicle will stay on the buyer’s property after being bought back under the Purchase Assurance Program until it is picked up by our team (around 7 days after refund receipt). The buyer is expected to assist with the remarketing process, which may include providing access for inspections, supplying photographs, and aiding in vehicle pickup.


The buyer is responsible for safely storing the vehicle according to commercial standards and will be liable for any damage or loss after the car has been bought back, up until it is picked up from the buyer’s property.


Phillips Auto Sales reserves the right to limit the quantity of vehicles any buyer can cover under the buy-back policy.


“Phillips Auto Sales” – Return Policy Phillips Auto Sales offers the “Phillips Auto Sales” to buyers, ensuring peace of mind for the first 7 days or 250 miles after purchase, whichever is reached first. This plan comes with specific conditions:

The buy-back request must be initiated by the buyer via email within 30 calendar days of the online purchase date (counting from day 0). The vehicle must be fully paid for and located on the buyer’s premises when the buy-back request is made. The vehicle should not have been sold or transferred to any third party after the online purchase.

It will take around 30 days to confirm the vehicle’s eligibility for the buy-back. An inspection will be arranged and assessed by our program administrator to verify the vehicle’s condition against its details at the time of purchase

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